Dear Akora,
The attention of the OAA Executive Committee has been drawn to the sometimes very negative reactions to the appeal to Akoras to pay their dues. Many wanted to know what the money was used for, suggesting there was no accountability. Others complained that they got nothing for paying OAA dues. Many young Akoras have suggested that the OAA should be able to help them to find jobs, and also find places for their children at the School. While we have sympathy for some of these reactions, the OAA is minded to be guided by its stated intentions as reflected by its constitution. It will continue to be accountable and transparent in all of its dealings with members and other stakeholders.
In announcing that we will publish the names of those who have paid their dues, the purpose was not to “name and shame”, as we have seen suggested by many on social media. We have done this before, and it allows those who have paid to see a collective acknowledgment of their payment as we seek to be more transparent and accountable. For those who worry about the purpose of making payments to OAA, please be assured that we cannot force you to pay dues. The dues are simply used to run the office. That’s all!
One of the most enduring lessons I learned from being a student at Achimota School was this prayer atttributed to St Ignatius of Loyola:
Lord, teach me to be generous;
Teach me to serve you as you deserve;
To give and not to count the cost;
To fight and not to heed the wounds;
To toil, and not to seek for rest;
To labor, and not to ask for reward –
except to know that I am doing your will.
That’s all I have to say on this Sunday as I prepare to leave for church. Have a most blessed Sunday 🙏🏾
Ernest Aryeetey
OAA President

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