Old Achimotan Association

Old Achimotan Association (“OAA”) is the umbrella alumni association for past students of Achimota School, Ghana. OAA authorizes the formation of Regional, Branch and Year Groups to carry out its objectives. Members of  OAA are known as “Akora” or “Akoras”.


OAA was started in 1929 by the first Principal of the then Prince of Wales College, Rev. Alec G. Fraser. Sandy Fraser, son of Rev. Fraser, then a member of Achimota School’s staff, was the first Organizing Secretary of OAA. Sandy spent his vacations touring the towns and villages where Old Achimotans were working in order to explain the aims and objectives of OAA. OAA’s first Annual General Meeting was held at the School on December 23rd, 1930, and then once a year thereafter. The participants spent three or four days on the School’s campus.

The Association has grown considerably in size since then, changing its structure to suit modern trends. It has grown from a small association of past students and staff, carrying out functions through volunteers, to a more formal association of past students with its Constitution and office with a complement of 5 paid staff. Currently annual general meetings are held annually in April. OAA Annual Memorial Service for Akoras who passed away in the course of the year is held in November. Membership of the Association is open to students of the School who satisfy criteria set out in the Constitution of the OAA. Final year students are inducted into the OAA before they leave School after their final exams. During the induction ceremony the students are advised to be model citizens and not do anything that will bring the OAA into disrepute. They are to further the cause of the Association and the School.

OAA is governed by a constitution, whose principal objective is “the formation of a bond of union between Old Achimotans and the School to promote the maintenance of their interest in the School and their willingness to assist in its welfare, and to promote the welfare of its members and the ideals for which Achimota School was founded”.

OAA’s affairs and funds are managed by an Executive Committee. The Executive Committee is elected biennially at an Annual General Meeting. The OAA Secretariat assists the Executive Committee in its work.

The Executive Committee is made up of 11 elected members.

PRESIDENT- Akora Joel Nettey (1989)
VICE PRESIDENT- Akora Harold Esseku (1988)
TREASURER- Akora Antoinette Kwofie (1993)
• MEMBER- Akora Kwame Boakye (1963)
• MEMBER- Akora Harold Richardson (1976)
• MEMBER- Akora Yaw Benneh Amponsah (1991)
• MEMBER- Akora Fafa Gbeho(1997)
• MEMBER- Akora Yaa Boateng (1998)
• MEMBER- Akora Ebenezer Saka Addo Mensah (1998)
• MEMBER- Akora Barbara Okai-Tettey (2001)
• MEMBER- Akora Grace Nelson (2011)

Other members are :

EXECUTIVE SECRETARY -Akora Eunice Quarcoopome

EX-OFFICIO MEMBER Mr. Ebenezer Acquaah, Achimota School Headmaster

The Executive Committee in exercising its mandate to manage the affairs of the Association,
• Liaises with the School either directly or through the Secretariat
• Promotes the interest of the Association in the School by nominating on behalf of the Association, two persons to represent it on the Board of Governors of the School
• Maintains links with Year Groups and Regional Branches or Chapters
• Receives and considers proposals from members for promoting the well-being of the Association and School.

This meeting is the main forum, outside the Annual General Meeting, for the discussion of matters affecting the OAA and the School. The meeting is attended by representatives selected by the individual year groups. The meetings are chaired by the OAA President, and matters of interest are discussed at the next meeting of the Executive Committee.

Year Groups are by far the largest groupings of the OAA. They comprise a group of students who have passed out of the School, usually at O Level or its equivalent. The groups are essentially a gathering of classmates who meet periodically for social purposes and to promote their interests  and the well-being of the School. Year Groups exist within the Constitution of the OAA. Whilst free to choose their own administrative and governing structures, most if not all the structures selected to generally reflect the structure of the main body, with a President, Secretary and Treasurer as their principal officers.

With the School attaining 90 years, there are theoretically 90 year groups in existence but not all of them are in existence or active.

Click To Download Akora Responsibilities

Regional Branches are provided for in the Constitution of the OAA. They may be formed in any of the administrative regions in or outside Ghana. In Ghana any regional grouping, branches sometimes referred to as chapters may be formed. The procedure for forming such groups is outlined in the Constitution.

Branches and groupings form their own administrative structures distinct from those of the main body, levy their own dues, and administer their funds as they deem appropriate to help with the running of their respective groups, and elect their officers according to their respective constitutions. They also determine their own meeting times and places.

Regional branches and groupings meet like OAA year groups to discuss matters pertaining to the well-being of the Association and the School. Their agenda frequently takes into account the particular nature of the grouping. Links are maintained with School, and the Association of which all groupings form a part.

OAA’s Annual General Meeting determines the annual dues payable by members.

OAA Secretariat is located at the Achimota School Club House. The Secretariat coordinates activities of Year Groups, keeps and updates the OAA database, organises OAA events, and collects dues and other donations from Akoras, Year Groups and individuals.

OAA Secretariat is currently staffed by Akora Eunice Quarcoopome Executive Secretary, assisted by a team of 2 staff and interns. The contact information for the OAA Secretariat is:

Executive Secretary
Eunice Quarcoopome
[email protected]

Administrative Assistant
Marian Crabbe
marian.crabbe @oldachimotan.org

Operations Officer
Gloria Wiredu
gloria.wiredu @oldachimotan.org

Mailing Address: P. O. BOX AH 203,  Achimota School, Accra, Ghana;
Telephone: 233277203203
E-mail: [email protected]; or
E-mail: [email protected]

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