The 2001 Year Group of the Old Achimotan Association (OAA 2001) on Saturday, November 27, 2021, organised a health screening for teachers (together with their families) as well as members of the larger Achimota School Community.

The special health screening was organised in collaboration with Lions Club, Euracare and InvestCorp Asset Management Ltd. (InvestCorp) under the leadership of Barbara Okai-Tettey and spearheaded by Beauty Olerkie Larbi and Cletus Darrah. Various tests were administered including the checking of Body Mass Index (BMI), blood pressure, sugar levels and eyesight.

The health screening which was highly patronised by the teachers and their families was touted as one of the best initiatives so far, by one teacher who was present and has experienced the Teachers Appreciation Day for about 9 years.

The Health Screening was organised as part of the Old Achimotan Association’s annual event dubbed “Teachers Appreciation Day” (TAD). The TAD is a yearly event organised by members of the association who celebrate their twentieth anniversary after leaving school. It is slated for farmers day of every year; which is the first Friday of December and as such this year’s event will be held on December 3, 2021.

The objective of the appreciation day is to celebrate past and present teachers of Achimota School to acknowledge the impact teachers have had on the lives of the anniversary celebrants as well as current students.

For this year’s appreciation, the OAA 2001 Year Group apart from the Health Screening will also host a lunch for past and present teachers of the school. Special recognition will be given to teachers who were present during the years that the 20th-anniversary celebrants were in school. The special recognition will go to both teachers who are alive and posthumously to deceased teachers.

Furthermore, on December 5, 2021, the 2001 Year Group will hold a Thanksgiving Service at the Aggrey Chapel, Achimota School to thank God for how far he has brought them these past 20 years.

At the health screening, the President of the 2001 Year Group, Barbara Okai-Tettey said: “Teachers have always been the bedrock of a person’s formative years whether formal or informal. Having walked through this great school, pressing into the future, it is important that gratitude remains as the core of all that we do…after all who are we without Teachers…”

The Chairman for the Teachers Appreciation Day celebrations, Lom Nuku Ahlijah used the opportunity to thank and appreciate Lion’s Club, Euracare and InvestCorp whose kind support made the event a success.



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