
The Infrastructure & Development Sub – Committee of the Old Achimotan Association Executive Committee is mandated to liaise with Achimota School Administration to provide oversight and advisory services for all facility developments/projects in Achimota School.

The oversight services are designed to cover the following;

–        Preliminary site survey and assessment;

–        Development of a project brief and scope of works/services;

–        Preliminary budget;

–        Construction supervision.

The Committee assists Year Groups and Akoras with costing, coordinating, implementing, and monitoring of projects. Year Groups (irrespective of their celebrations) looking to adopt a project, should initially contact the OAA Secretariat for a list of the School’s Projects. This list is updated periodically in consultation with the Headmistress.

By doing this, duplication of efforts is eliminated and the projects are better coordinated. Year Groups are encouraged to select projects which are financially viable to them so that the project is completed on time. Resource mobilization must begin well in advance to enable the Group to raise enough funds for the execution of the project.

For projects which are more capital intensive, Year Groups are encouraged to team up with other Year Groups to raise funds and execute them. Team effort is guaranteed to make the financial burden lighter.

This project is being funded by GETFUND after a request to H.E The President of the Republic in February 2017.

As a public funded project, we have had to go through all the statutory requirements which included;

–        Inspection by Accra Metropolitan Assembly( 8th June, 2017)

–        Preliminary Approval by A.M.A( 13th June, 2017)

–        A.M.A Planning Committee Approvals(  25th June, 2017)

–        Building Permit Approvals(  8th August, 2017)

–        GETFUND Approval

–        Public Procurement Authority Approval

–        Department of Urban Roads Consent

This is a direct contract from the GETFUND to the Ghana Armed Forces on behalf of the school. However the school management and OAA secretariat are part of the technical team for the project.

The Site was handed over on 20th November, 2017 to the Ghana Armed Forces who are using three of their Units to undertake the works. The 48 Engineers Regiment, the 49 Engineers Regiment and the Engineering Training School.

The approved project is for the construction of a perimeter masonry wall along Achimota School boundary in four phases.

Phase 1 is a total length of 5 kilometres which will cover the Eastern compound along Aggrey street and our boundaries with GIMPA and Forestry Commission.

Phase 1A is the construction of the 5 kilometres in 4 lots of 2&1, 1&1 kilometres each.

Phase 1B is the construction of the gate and other ancillary facilities. Phase 1A is scheduled to be completed in May 2018. However, litigation challenges have stalled the project. It is agreed that the project shall continue in areas free of litigation.

Phase 2 shall take the Area to the west of Aggrey street where the majority of encroachment and illegal developments have taken place.

As part of the celebration of Achimota School’s 90th Anniversary, the Old Achimotan Association decided to build a new Science Block as its legacy project led by the President Prof. Ernest Aryeetey.

The facility consist of four multipurpose laboratories that will handle Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Agriculture Science. Other ancillary facilities include preparation rooms, storage, staff rooms, washrooms and provision for a future lecture room.

The Old Achimota Association solicited funds from Tullow Oil Ghana who provided $310,000.00 under its STEM Program for Senior High Schools.

Phase one of the project is almost completed at a cost of approximately Ghc1,573,762.61. This project has been executed under the direction of the Infrastructure & Development Sub -Committee from inception to its current stage.

The Project Team included Arc. Ian Quartey – 1975 as Architect and Lead Consultant, Ing. Leslie Awere-Kyere – 1977 as the Structural / Civil Engineer and Philip B. Aboagye – 1971 as the Quantity Surveyor and Osei Kwame Agyeman – 1975 as Project Coordinator.

Total estimated cost of the project is Ghc2,615,306.07 (this excludes the furniture and equipment for the laboratories.)

It must be mentioned that David Amankwah – 1977 acting on behalf of the Contractor – David Walter Ltd

This project is being executed by the 1977 year group as 40 years celebration legacy project led by the President Ing. Leslie Awere-Kyere.

The project involves the Construction of Concrete Pier supports and 2no staircases to access the bridge.

The bridge shall be located at the Achimota Hospital crossroads along Aggrey street to facilitate the free movement of students from the Eastern compound to the Western compound and vice versa.

It is also intended to reduce the risk to members of the public who patronize the Achimota Hospital.

The bridge design has been impacted by environmental and development considerations, particularly the need to expand Aggrey street as a dual courage way and its effect on the Achimota Golf course.

After initial consultation with the Department of Urban Roads, Achimota Golf Club, Environmental Protection Agency and the Old Achimotan Association sub-committee on infrastructure and development, the project was awarded to David Walter Ltd. The bridge component was donated by Ministry of Roads and Highways.The project is expected to be completed by December 2018

The population of the school has far exceeded the capacity of the Aggrey Chapel. Standing at 1900, the chapel is only able to seat students in only one given year. Canopies have been erected at either side of the chapel with benches but that temporary provision is still inadequate.




  1. The Old Achimota Association (OAA), at its Annual General Meeting in

2019, directed that year groups celebrating their fortieth and fiftieth

anniversaries should have a joint Founders Day Celebration until the year 2030

when those celebrating 40th anniversary completely takes over. In keeping with

this directive, the OAA 1970 and 1980 Year Groups jointly sponsored the

celebration of the 93rd Founders Day from 6th to 8th March, 2020.



  1. The aim of this report is to highlight the planning and execution of the joint celebration of the 93rd Founders Day with the view to making recommendations for successful collaboration in planning future anniversaries.


  1. The directive for a joint celebration was received at a time when each group had made its own arrangement for an independent celebration. However, critical decisions were taken to bring into effect the new directive. The following arrangements were thus made:
  2. Planning Meetings. At the instance of the Senior 1970  Year Group, joint meetings were held at the Army Officers Mess, where the 1970 Year Group normally held its monthly meetings. Not less than four of such meetings were held. At the meetings the following were discussed:

(1)     Rationale Behind the OAA Policy on Joint Celebration

(2)     Need for cooperation as pacesetters

(3)     Involvement of all parties –all hands on deck

(4)     Equal sharing of responsibilities

  1. Planning Committees. Members of the 1980 Year Group were nominated to add to already existing committees set up by the 1970 Year Group. At the end, the following committees were formed:

(1)    Legacy Project Committee

(2)    Cadets Parade Committee

(3)    Grand Durbar Committee (also responsible for the anniversary  brochure)

(4)   Thanksgiving Service Committee (responsible for the luncheon)

(5)   Publicity / Souvenir Committee

(6)   Fund Raising Committee

Each group worked independently on their respective area of responsibilities and report to the Joint Executive Committee of the two groups to resolve any knotty areas.

  1. Sharing of Responsibilities.   Series of meetings were held to share responsibilities to make each group to take equal and active part in the celebration . Responsibilities were thus shared as per the chart attached to this report as Annex A.
  2. Sharing of Costs. Costs were shared according to responsibilities allotted to each Year Group. Broadly speaking, responsibilities were shared as follows:

(1)     Legacy Project – Each year Group responsible for their selected project.

(2)     Cadets Parade:

(a)     1970 Year Group appointed the Reviewing Officer.

(b)     1980 Year Group – Printing of Parade Programme.

(3)     Grand Durbar

(a)    1970 provided the keynote speaker and organized refreshments after Durbar.

(b)    1980 – Printing of anniversary Brochure

(4)     Thanksgiving Service – Joint Responsibility.

(5)     Luncheon                     – 1980 Year Group

(6)     Joint Responsibilities.

(a)     Refreshment of Guests after Cadets Parade

(b)     Printing of Certificates for Cadets

(c)     Cost of awards to deserving Cadets.

(d)     Provision of PA System

(e)    Advertisements

(f)    Bill boards, Banners and Backdrops.

(7).    As mentioned, each Year Group was solely responsible for bearing the cost of their share of responsibility . In areas of joint responsibility, the costs were shared in the ratio of 3:2 between the 1970 and 1980 Year Groups respectively.

  1. Role of OAA Secretariat. The OAA Secretariat was on hand to assist with the Year Groups in planning the celebrations. They were prepared to honour invitations to meetings and explain issues that cropped up. The OAA President was exceptionally cooperative by hosting meetings at home and being at hand to support the joint celebration.


  1. The main challenges faced by the groups were:
  2. Lack of Commitment. The members of the 1970 Year Group accused their 1980 counterparts of lack of interest and commitment. Attendance at schedule meetings was not encouraging. At stages, there where agitations for each year group to go it all alone.
  3. Weight of Responsibility. Linked with the lack of commitment was the general notion that the celebration was for the 1970 Year Group and that the 1980 Year Group was merely supporting. This put a lot of strain on the 1970 Year Group.
  4. Sponsoring a Joint Legacy Project. Even though the essence of a joint celebration was to ease the financial burden on the year group celebrating their 50th anniversary, the aim was not achieved as a lot of preparations had been done towards separate projects by the time the decision for a joint project was received. It is hoped that, henceforth, future joint celebrants could sponsor one legacy project to achieve the objective for which the policy was taken.
  5. Fund Raising. Even though the junior year group was expected to use their energy and connections to raise funds for the anniversary, each year group went alone to solicit for sponsorship. Thus the essence of the collaboration was not achieved.
  6. Deference by Virtue of Seniority. Perhaps, as was expected, the 1980 year Group showed due deference to their senior counterparts. Whereas such deference is positive and welcome, too much of it, as was the case, made the 1980 not too forthcoming in their contribution towards the group efforts.


  1. In spite of the challenges, there were areas of good cooperation that contributed to the success of the celebration as follows:
  2.     Open-Arm Leadership Style.  The Executive of the 1970 year group adopted open –arm policy towards the executive and members of the 1980 year group. This made them feel relaxed and not intimidated.
  3. Acceptance of Challenges. It was drummed into the ears of the whole group that the school looked up to both groups to set the pace for future collaboration. Both groups accepted the challenge and assiduously worked towards group success and achievement.
  4.      Bonds of Friendship. Working together towards a joint objective,

new bonds of friendship beyond mere school mates were developed. Thus, by virtue of the collaboration in sponsoring the 93rd Founders’ Day, the two year groups are bound together as close brothers and sisters.




  1. As a result of the OAA policy for year groups celebrating 50th and

40thanniversary to do a joint Founders Day celebration, the 1970 and 1980 Year

Groups sponsored the 93rd Founders Day celebration from 6th to 8th March 2020.

The joint celebration was a big success, inspite of some identified challenges. If

these challenges are resolved it would greatly enhance the sponsorship of future

Founders Day Celebrations under the collaboration arrangements.




  1. To facilitate smooth collaboration between year groups jointly celebrating

Achimota School Founder Day anniversaries, it is recommended that:


  1. There should be joint meetings of the two year groups to plan the anniversary.


  1. Joint Committees should be set up to handle the various aspects of the anniversary.


  1. Each Year group should be made to see themselves as equal partners in the planning and execution of the programme and be prepared to contribute financially towards its success.


  1. The senior year group should develop open – arms towards the junior group in planning and executing the collaboration.


  1. The OAA Secretariat should continue to assist Year Groups in planning and executing the collaboration.


  1. Collaborating Year Groups should start planning towards the celebration and not wait until their time is due.






Brig Gen (rtd)

President 1970 Year Group



Annex A.      93rd Founders’ Day Celebration-Akora 1970 & 1980

Year Groups Partnership.


This project was undertaken by the Achimota UK Trust as part of the continuing support to Achimota School since 1987.

The Achimota UK Trust is the charity arm of the OAA UK. A number of activities have been undertaken since 2016 as captured below.

–        Rehabilitation of ICT Suite

–        Provision of 100 rubbish bins

–        Provision of joinery, metal and electrical works for new library.

–        Presentation of 595 books to the library

–        Donation of 200 books to the library

–        Donation of 2 computers, 1 Risograph and accessories to the library.

–        Donation towards the 66/67 and 69 year group projects

The above donations total approximately £40,225.00. The books were donated on behalf of the Achimota UK Trust by Dr. Akuffo-Akoto – 1966 on 27th February 2018.

In 2013, the 2003 year group as part of the 10 year celebration project donated 40 branded clocks to the School.

This project was undertaken by the 1972 year group as their 45 years celebration legacy project led by the President Mrs Joyce Boeh-Ocansey.

The online library subscription provides access to library materials for the students and staff and will be most useful for those interested in going beyond what is generally taught in the classroom. The students now have access to books ranging from K1 to K12, that is Kindergarten to Senior High School level and covering almost any subject one can think of.

also available is material suitable for University Undergraduate level through to Post-Graduate level and covering a broad spectrum of subject areas.

The online library material comes in form of magazines, general journal articles and academic journal articles in addition to digital books.

A database on poetry and related material is included in the library. There is also a feature that enables teachers to plan curriculum.

The 1972 year group is sponsoring the subscription for three years at a cost of $9,000.00 per year. The E-library was activated and handed over on 14th November 2017.

This project was under taken by the 1968 year group as part of their 50 years celebration legacy project led by the President Ms Gwenda Sam.

The project involved the following;

–        Extension of the Parade Grounds from 43 x 49m to 43 x 69m (approximately 30% expansion of the parade ground)

–        Construction of Terraced seating for 400 spectators

–        Stone paving of existing walkway – 640m2

–        Reconstruction of access rood

–        Reconstruction of staircases in concrete to replace wooden stairs

–        Construction of washroom with dedicated water tank

–        Rehabilitation of the electrical power and lighting system

–        Provision of additional classroom with furniture

–        General rehabilitation of the existing building

–        Provision of wardrobes for uniforms and boots

–        Connection of power supply to the school generator

–        Provision of 100 uniforms and trainee rifles for drills

The project was completed at a cost of Ghc604,000.00 and handed over on 1st March 2018.

This is a project undertaken by the 1993 year group as their 25 years celebration legacy project led by the President Mrs Antoinette Kuofie. “Renovation of the General Offices, Registry and Archives”.

–        Refurbishment of archive room and providing a well-structured archiving system. The records were moved from 5 different rooms into a centralized location developed to house them in an orderly way. The records were indexed and catalogued and handed over to the school administrator to allow easy location and retrieval of documents.

–        Refurbishment of the administration block ‘General Offices’ and registry and setup of a local area network (LAN) of 15 workstations equipped with a high-speed scanner, photocopier and printer. This involved changing the electrical wiring for the offices, stripping them and putting in an acoustic ceiling with spotlights, air conditioners and brand new modern furniture, including bookcases, professional desks and ergonomic chairs.

–        Provision of a Student Information Management System (SIMS) to help the school reduce the amount of paper records generated with the aim of becoming paper free.

–        Scanning of historical student records and cataloguing and indexing of digitized records into the Student Information Management System (SIMS). Based on the completion of cataloguing and indexation of the student records, we have a total of 584 boxes (archives from 1924) to scan with each box containing about 1500 documents per box.

The first three phase of the project has been delivered at a cost of Ghc296,935.00. Project was handed over on 27th February 2018.

Phase four has encountered a few challenges that are being dealt with to allow the full project to be completed.

An additional Ghc50,000.00 for I.T Equipment and Ghc200,000.00 for the scanning services will be required to complete phase 4.

In 2016, the 1991 year group as part of the 25 year celebration legacy project led by their president Khadijah Chothia, undertook the rehabilitation of the Tennis Court at the Staff Club House.

The 1973 Year Group donated hospital beds and supplies to the Achimota School Clinic. The Achimota School Clinic was renovated by the 1980 Year Group as part of its 30th Year Anniversary Celebration. The clinic was then furbished with beds and other equipment by OAA’73.

1957 (Independence) Year Group, for their 25th Anniversary celebration, they built three (3) washrooms for the school. There are two of the washrooms on the Eastern compound, one close to the Aggrey Chapel and the second at the maintenance yard. The third one is on the Western compund close to the Western Dining Hall.

The 1963 Year Group for their 5oth Anniversary project in 2013, modules A& B of the science complex blueprint. A breakdown of their project comprises: infrastructure upgrade, refurbishment of generator room and cabling; gas cylinder cage, washroom facilities, provision of two tanks and piping; water harvesting systems, emergency shower, landscaping, painting, refurbishment of the science lecture theatre, provision of audio-visual facilities and audio and video recording systems and network access. The video projection room was enhanced and they added a public address system, video conferencing system and an interactive response system.

The 1964 Year Group believes that supporting Agricultural education will help  step up food security in Ghana, therefore renovated and equipped the Agricultural Science Labs, the experimental farm and in addition supplied much needed surveying and agricultural tools.

On 27 March 2013, the School took delivery of 20 new HP desktop computers and 2 new HP printers, provided by the Achimota Trust at a total cost of over £8,000.  

The Trust procured the equipment from CompuGhana Ltd in Ghana.

The Music School

The 1962 Year Group rehabilitated  the Music School and provided some musical instruments to replace the instruments which are out of commission. The scope of the project included restoring the wooden floors, replacing broken glass panes, repairing leaks in the roof, rewiring, concrete works, landscaping and the provision of washrooms with a water tank.

The Assembly Hall was refurbished with proceeds from   the Estate of the late Akora Nana Rudwick through the OAA UK Trust. The contract for work on the Assembly Hall was awarded to Sando Construction Ltd owned by Akora Nana Kwasi Asante-Sakyi of the 1969 Year Group. The rehabilitation works included ceiling works, replacing electric fans and switches, replacing broken glass panes, repairing leaks, in the washrooms and basement, replacing external shutters, painting, restoring the parquet floor and lighting.

The Physics Laboratory was rehabilitated by the 1979 Year Group. They stripped it of all its cabinets because they had been attacked by termites and the room fumigated before the actual work begun.. The piping was left in place but the taps were changed.The worktops were refurbished, wires changed and the terrazzo floor restored. The painting was the last segment of the work.

The 1975 Year Group presented 40 tables and 40 chairs for teachers in the School. There is the need for 60 more tables and chairs for the teachers

The Home Economics Block was built by the GETFUND of the Ghana Education Service. When the block was completed, the OAA UK Trust equipped it with an assortment of home science equipment worth £7500 between 2006 and 2008.

The School’s street lights were rehabilitated All Afra Electricals Ltd under the auspices of the 1969 Year Group. Akora Bernard Sackey, the managing director of All Alfra Electricals Ltd is a member of this year group. This has gone a long way to improve the security of the students, staff, and property of the School.  All Afra occasionally prunes back the branches of some of the trees which obstruct the street lights.

The Aggrey Chapel was refurbished by the 1968 Year Group. The renovation work was done by Sando Construction Ltd, owned by Akora Nana Kwasi Asante-Sakyi of the 1969 Year Group. The roof of the Chapel was desilted and this enabled rainwater to drain off easily. All the pews were sanded and revarnished. Concrete slabs were either repaired or replaced, the surrounding drains were also desilted. The flower beds’ soil was turned over and more flowers were planted. The bust of Aggrey was stripped and polished. Finally the Chapel was painted from the ceiling to the floor.

The Girls’ Gym expansion and rehabilitation works were done by the 1961Year Group. They stripped the building, gutted the washrooms and changing rooms, painted the entire building. The main gym got a fresh floor the lockable areas were fitted with beautiful wooden doors. A miniature hockey pitch was constructed on the north side of the gym and a basketball court on the south side.

The gym is yet to be equipped.

An  incinerator was built for the School  by the 1960 Year Group. This project came about when the School’s dump site was overwhelmed with refuse and the School was cautioned by the Accra Metropolitan Assembly. A couple of the Maintenance Staff were trained operate the incinerator before it was handed over to the School. The problem has reverted to its original state much to the chagrin of the 1960 Year Group. Investigations reveal that the amount of refuse churned out daily by the School was too much for the incinerator staff to sort and burn. As a result of this problem, the site of the incinerator is an eyesore.

A possible solution will be if the refuse is sorted into plastics, cans, bottles, and bio-degradable waste before reaching the dump site.

Science Block
Senior Chemistry Laboratory

Renovated by the 1984 Year Group

Download Year Group Responsibility

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