We have come to the beginning of another year, and we thank God for keeping us alive to see this day. As you know, the year that has just passed was not great for the whole world. We hope that this year will be much better for us. Even though the year was not great, the OAA had some successes by completing the first phase of the Science Block project and helping the School to win a landmark litigation at the Supreme Court. I thank you for your contribution to the successes of OAA.

All things being equal, the OAA will continue pursuing its causes on several fronts, including land matters, school autonomy, school performance improvements, capital projects, welfare of Akoras, etc.

We plan to organise a Stakeholders Workshop early this year to agree on goals and objectives and how best we can achieve them. I hope you will be able to make your voice heard when the time comes.

One major project we hope to start is the 2nd Phase of the Science Block project, that is, the new Auditorium. It is our hope that ALL YEAR GROUPS will do their best to support this endeavour. It cannot be left to only the older groups.

In ending, I would like to wish all Akoras Happy New Year. May this year bring prosperity to you and to your families. May we see more success coming the way of Achimota School and Old Achimotans. May you stay protected by God. I wish you all the very best of the New Year.

Ernest Aryeetey
OAA President


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